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Tracey's Dream Updated 

27/03/24 - We went to The Birmingham Children's Hospital Cancer ward. to gift some more lovely easter goodies and making some smiles with the easter bunny 

26/03/24 - we went to Primrose Hospice in Bromsgrove where the Easter bunny made an appearance, to hand out some easter goodies and have some photos with the easter bunny. the smiles we made was truly amazing something that is going to remember for a long time. it just goes to show that we are doing a good job 

12/03/24 - We went to the Birmingham Children's Hospital Cancer Ward, just seeing the impact, we have of the patients faces, is really eye opening,

one of the patients held Spider-man's Hand, and that in its self is so special, and heart warming, because the nurses made a comment, "that rarely happens" another patient said as we were leaving "that was fun" 

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